Didsbury Community Association

Terms and Conditions


V1 – May 2024

By attending our event you are confirming you agree with Didsbury Community Association terms and conditions, which have been put together to protect your business, charity, school, Didsbury Community Association and our visitors.

  1. Profanities 

We are a family friendly, charitable organisation and therefore we expect all profanities to be covered up by either censored stickers, blur effects etc. If any artwork deemed offensive on the stall is seen, a volunteer from the Didsbury Community Association has the right to ask you to remove these items.


  1. Before you trade (Insurance Requirements)


a. Non- Food Stall holders

You need a minimum of £2 million public liability insurance to showcase at our events and it is your responsibility to keep this up to date.

If you employ staff you need to include employees insurance onto your policy.

At each event you must have the ability to produce your public liability insurance for spot checks.

We need you to think over the risks of attending our event and plan a risk assessment. Plan out what you have to do to keep yourself and our visitors safe. Thinking of trip hazards, sharp objects, health and hygiene hazards, infrastructure hazards (especially when you provide your own gazebo, weights etc). It is the stall holders responsibility to ensure their products conform to the accepted legal framework and legislation for general consumer sales in the UK.

The Didsbury Community Association does not allow the sale of any fur or fur based products at our events. We reserve the right to ask any stall holder with said products to be removed with immediate effect.

We need to ensure we all work together in a respectful environment. Any disagreements between stall holders, or concerns need to addressed to the office team Monday-Friday during office hours. We employ event managers on the weekends who do not decide layouts etc. Our event managers role on market day is to ensure the event is safe, managed and marketed.

b. Food Stall holders (General Stalls)

No handling food without gloves

Hand wash facilities must be provided (as a minimum flask of hot water and hand wash)

ALL open food must be covered

Spray and wipe table before and after use with anti-bacterial spray

You must clear your own rubbish at the end of the day, it is not to be placed into our bins.

You need a minimum of  [ £5  ]million public liability insurance to showcase at our events and it is your responsibility to keep this up to date.

If you employ staff you need to include employees insurance onto your policy.

At each event you must have the ability to produce your public liability insurance for spot checks.

Each food based business needs to register with their local council and request an inspection from an environmental health officer. Some food based businesses may be told they are low risk/ low priority for an inspection. It is imperative that you are registered as a minimum and when your inspection takes place the best practice is to display your food hygiene rating on your stall.

Your local council will provide information on your packaging requirements as a business, weights and measures, what you should display regarding allergies and are happy to answer any questions you may have. You can refer to Safer Food, Better Business.

It is your responsibility to ensure all your accreditation is up to date.

Sneeze Guards MUST be in place on your stall, covering all food items.

We need you to think over the risks of showcasing at our events and plan a risk assessment. Plan out what you have to do to keep yourself and our visitors safe. Thinking of trip hazards, sharp objects, health and hygiene hazards, infrastructure hazards (especially when you provide your own gazebo, weights etc).

c. Hot Food Stall holders

Street food stalls may be asked to provide £5 million public liability insurance to showcase in some locations.

If you employ staff you need to include employees insurance onto your policy.

At each event you must have the ability to produce your public liability insurance for spot checks.

Need to demonstrate that you have access to hot water to wash your hands. This can be a system built into your stalls, pans to heat up water etc.

Selling hot and heated foods – You must check the temperatures of your food before serving.

Cool Boxes – also need to be checked for correct temperatures through the market day and prior to serving.

We need you to think over the risks of showcasing at our events and plan a risk assessment. Plan out what you have to do to keep yourself and our visitors safe. Thinking of trip hazards, sharp objects, naked flame hazards, health and hygiene hazards, infrastructure hazards (especially when you provide your own gazebo, weights etc).

There is no power provided at any of our events.

You will need to provide your own cabling and any appliances brought onto site must be PAT tested and meet the minimum legal requirements and have the relevant PAT certificates with you at any event where electrical appliances are being used.

All gas appliances must have gas safety certification.


  1. Stall holder Regulations

As a stall holder on our markets it is your duty to always be up to date with governmental legislation regarding your product.


  1. Confirmations

Once your booking and payment has been confirmed by you’ll receive a confirmation email. You’ll then receive the set up instructions from the Didsbury Community Association at least 5 days prior to the event.

When showcasing at our events our stallholders acknowledge that they have read our terms and conditions and have accepted them.

When showcasing at our events our stallholders acknowledge that they will not engage in any false or misleading conduct including, but not limited to, selling counterfeit goods or mislabelling goods.

When showcasing at our events our stallholders acknowledge and agree that Didsbury Community Association can not give any warranties regarding possible sales, visitor numbers, and exclusivity of goods.

When showcasing at our events our stallholders acknowledge and agree that Didsbury Community Association is not liable for theft of goods at our events.

The Didsbury Community Association are also not liable for any parking fines issued.


  1. Payments

All payments are to be made online via bank transfer or cheque, once the payment has been received you’ll receive an email from Didsbury Community Association confirming the booking.

We are unable to take any cash payments.

If you need to cancel the event we need you to let us know by 4pm 10 working days prior to the event.

A refund can be issued only if you cancel before 4pm 10 working days before the event takes place. After this time we no refund will be given.

Please let us know ASAP if you are unable to attend an event, an empty stall is detrimental to the event and to your fellow stallholders.


  1. Before the event

Prior to the event you will be sent set up instructions and layout.

It is advisable to connect with our social media channels and take advantage of our strong social media following. Please keep our team aware of any new social media handles you are using.

Our volunteers are responsible for the allocation and position of stalls, and it is not permissible for stallholders to change their stall position on the day.

Any queries need to be made to our volunteers during working hours.

Didsbury Community Association reserve the right to change stall locations.

When applying for a stall we need you to provide Didsbury Community Association volunteers with a description of what you intend to sell.

We are unable to offer any of our stall holders exclusivity.


  1. On the day

You will be given set up instructions and a layout prior to the event. It gives you information such as off loading times, event times, etc.

When setting up, closing down, loading and unloading, care should be taken for your own safety and the safety of others.

Where traffic management cones and signs are in place, stallholders need to ensure that they are adhered to and not moved out of position.

Should a stallholder need to leave an event early it is expected they will first gain permission from a volunteer. Only emergency situations will be considered, as movement of traffic is not allowed in the park during operating times.

Stallholders must operate strictly within the boundaries of the stall, which in most instances is 3m x 1.5m and any additional tables must fit within the allocated space. Please be considerate to your market neighbours.

The presentation of stalls should be professional. A well presented stall will aid your sales.

We aim for us all to work in a supportive and respectful environment. We should treat our volunteers, stallholders and members of the public with courtesy and respect at all times.

Instructions given by our infrastructure team or volunteers regarding risk management or accident prevention must be complied with strictly and immediately.

Please ensure nothing sharp or dangerous is attached to tables or gazebos that could endanger or harm set up crew when erecting or dismantling equipment or damage infrastructure.

Smoking is not permitted in the vicinity of the stalls.

When leaving the event stall holders must remove and take away their own trade waste and ensure the stall area in the same condition that it was in before they set up their stall that day.

Any offensive artwork should be censored by stickers, blur effect etc. We are a family friendly event and don’t expect stall holder to openly advertise profanities on the stall. We will ask stall holders on the day to cover this up if not done beforehand.


  1. Own Gazebos

Stallholders supplying their own infrastructure must ensure that it is fit for purpose and weighted appropriately. The Didsbury Community Association is not liable for any damages caused by your own infrastructure.


  1. When things go wrong

The festival takes place each year in all weathers. It is rare but we may have to cancel due to adverse weather. In the event that we do cancel the event, Didsbury Community Association can only offer a 50% refund on the stall fee. We will give you our stall holders as much notice as we can and promote the cancellation on our social media.

Any unacceptable behaviour including aggression, abusive language or refusal to comply with a reasonable direction will be treated as a breach of these conditions. Such a breach is likely to result in that stallholder being required to leave the markets immediately and being banned from trading at any future markets.

Issues regarding copyright must be dealt with between the stall holders. We will not get involved in the legalities of sorting any infringement or copyright issues.

Any stallholder using equipment or practices that could endanger the health & safety of any persons will be asked to leave the event.


  1. GDPR

Didsbury Community Association follow all GDPR protocol regarding personal and business data. We do share stall holder business names when marketing events through social media, print publication and websites.

On occasion we are asked for hygiene ratings and council registration from the appropriate authorities and it is within our mandate to respond and disclose this information.

The data entered when filling out your information form will stay within our system until you request for it to be removed. Without your direct communication we are unaware that you wish to cease trading at our events.


  1. Stall holder Expectations

Throughout the process of booking to attending our events we have a number of expectations from you the stall holder, more information can be read below on this.

Abusive Language

Under no circumstance do we accept any abusive language whether through social media, email or in person. Abusive language will result in termination from our events.

If abusive behaviour is witnessed, reported or known to have taken place there will be an investigation into the situation which will result in action being taken against perpetrator. Initial response will be to remove them from the next event whilst investigation takes place.


Abusive Physical Behaviour

Under no circumstances do we accept any abusive physical behaviour. Physical abuse will result in termination from our events.

If abusive behaviour is witnessed, reported or known to have taken place there will be an investigation into the situation which will result in action being taken against perpetrator. Initial response will be to remove them from the next event whilst investigation takes place.



Whilst we accept lateness is on occasion out of your control, lateness is unacceptable due to the effect of the surrounding stall holders and the market as a whole. If you are more than 20 minutes late you will be unable to attend the event.


No Show

In the event that you cannot attend, it is your job to let the our volunteers know. Like lateness we accept sometimes things happen that would result in you not being able to attend. However, not communicating your lack of attendance will result in you being you being banned from future events. Volunteer contact details are included within the information pack and we expect that any issues over the day would be highlighted via a phone call or message.


Leaving the Market

We expect all stall holders to stay for the duration of the event. No stall holder will be allowed to move their vehicle within the park until permitted to do so, as per the instructions given to you in the stall holders pack.

For the health and safety of all event attendees, volunteers and stall holders it is imperative that all vehicle movement restrictions are adhered to.

Failure to adhere to vehicle restrictions will result in you being banned from future events run by the Didsbury Community Association.


On the Stall

We of course expect professionalism at all times when trading at our events.



Smoking is strictly prohibited around, next to, and in front of the stalls. If you need to smoke we advise walking outside the market event area.


Stall Safety

We expect all stall holders to ensure their stall is set up safely. It is essential that all walkways are clear, nothing that is hanging could cause harm and that the products are stacked securely. We have the right to ask you to remove products should they be deemed unsafe.


Stall Set Up

We expect all stalls to be set up to a high standard. If you are new to trading ask for our advice or speak to fellow stall holders – we are happy to give guidance.



The sale of alcohol is strictly prohibited. If our volunteers see that alcohol is being sold you will be asked to remove this immediately from your stall. We do not hold a licence which allows alcohol to be sold on the premises.